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Friday, March 5, 2010

Wazz Up with U Nano…...?!

Will  Nano Money  truly  become scammed…..?! Oh…no…no… it would be a real  nightmare…
Sometime ago I even  talked to myself, if someday Nano changed to scammed/closed program,  then I’ll give up all my investment  in hyip industry.

This time is a second times that Nano got some problem on their performance. I remembered  that time was about  a middle in year 2009 Nano has got the same problem, Gol Poll monitor gave the status of Nano ‘Waiting’…
As  this time  all investor  was going to crazy panic....
But as the time goes by,  Nano could  handle their problem and  came back  to normal till 27 of February ago…when  they  started  again to make us all investors gone panic…
All investor had the same experience:  couldn’t login to their account,  payment delay, could login but there’s error that the account displayed not owner account but other people account, and status on GoldPolll was ‘Waiting’…
Now, is there still any good will to Nano….?! I’m not so optimistic….
But I’ve been sent an email to them, and luckily  they didn’t the same as other hyip who will move to scam program, they  replied me.
I thought  the reason they explained on email was not out of my mind…then  its better  for me to be patient  first and let them fixed their problem,  and of course pray  for all our best…

As all you known… Nano Money Corp. was the big hyip for last long,  they pay all investors  for about  4 years …
According to my opinion… all  their performance was number one in this industry… the profit, the website, the custemor service, and especially the payment was exactly  number one for me (they never miss payment or even delay before…).
I myself have been one of their  investors  since the beginning of year 2009…. So I’ve  gained a lot profit here till that day (26 of Feb. 2010).
 My investment in Nano is the big one I’ve ever invest in hyip…
($300.000 is a big enough for me to invest in hyip industry)
I even had some plan before, for next 2 or 3 months  if this bad news  didn’t happened, I  wanna add some investment till 500 bucks to Nano…. But now, I think maybe  I better changed my plan…

Yesterday I found a good signal from them… I can open the site, login to my account, and  I can see my own account, though  still cant withdraw my profit becoz I still had some pending  withdraw  which  didnt approved yet….
Its ok…its really more better… hopefully Nano will be back again to normal   and  will never lost their reputation in hyip industry…
And if  it is true that Nano become scam… maybe its better to say Nano have  failed on bussines or   company… whatever they are now …they  had been made me or perhaps  others gained  a lot of bucks, even though I really feel sorry for the new investors  who come next and lost much here now…

Good luck Nano… good luck to all….